The tale begins with Tarr, a scrofatan from Lochnaera, in a foreign jail with a gold ring stabbed through his nose. His cellmate, a black scrofata called Argus Sustilla, wants Tarr to tell of his adventures while they plan their escape.
Tarr begins his tale with The Hunter and his Black Pirates landing on Lochnaeara where their superior weaponry slaughters those who try to defend the planet. Tarr's father dies after eliciting a promise from Tarr to evoke the ancient magic of the Lochnaeran Cluster. Tarr, his brother, and their friends escape the pirates and reach the Cave of Peace where the Cluster is hidden. Unfortunately, the key to the cave, the Ring of Peace, has vanished.
From a clue left behind, the group must travel to the planet of dragons if they are to unlock the magic of the Cluster. After narrowly escaping both the Black Pirates and a space vortex, they arrive at Haulwaiqua. A meeting with the dragon queen does not go well until Tarr flourishes his father's dagger which they refer to as Dragon's Bane. Then Dragonlady listens to Tarr's request but tells him the ring he seeks was stolen by the people of Bulhagan.
Tarr agrees to help her re-negotiate a treaty that used to bind Haulwaiqua with Bulhagan. He finds this desert planet inhabited by a people dying due to lack of water. He is captured but with the help of Prince Amad, escapes. The Sultan of Bulhagan told Tarr the ring was in the hands of the Mystragaellans so he flies there. It is this braided gold Ring of Peace that ends up piercing his nose when he is caught by the Mystragaellans.
Tarr and Argus finally make good their escape from jail, Tarr's quest for the Ring of Peace complete.
The book ends and so does my editing. I must say goodbye to my characters and begin on something new. But what? I have several projects on the go but I am also leaving Calgary for our condo in Victoria.
My writing muse haunts this BC city so I may bring one project with me only to have another story blossom there. It is with an underlying sense of excitement that I prepare to leave the prairies and head for the seaside.